Thursday, December 4, 2008


It is so difficult to understand relationships. All my childhood I spent in Kadidal with Ajji. When Ajji was there Kadidal was home for me. I used to get feeling of security which usually we get by reaching home. Ajji was everything for me.

The day Ajji died, morning 8.00 am we reached Kadidal. For the first time I felt as if I am in strange place. For the first time I felt scared that I am alone. Now Kadidal is a strange place for me. At least until Ajja's death I used to visit there. Now............

For the first time I realized the effect of loosing the loved ones. Even on the day of my marriage when that person tied mangalsutra left me alone infront of people and went inside, I felt same scared feeling. Strange when Ajji left my life I felt alone and when this person entered my life I felt the same.

I did become Mrs. Ashwini Arun legally. But by heart I never felt that he is part of mine. His actions, behavior scared me so much that I lost my smile and confidence. It took so much time for me to recover even after kicking him out of my life. To once again smile.

Please, I request people who read this blog. Respect other person's feelings. Everyone in this world has got his own identity and self respect. We call ourself civilized and give advertisement in TV to stop domestic abuse and harassment.

When I asked my x-husband he told me- "I have seen one government officer, whose husband beats her every day. Still she keep quite. Then what is your problem". Please for god sake education is not just for a job.

So much educated, an officer, and everyday abused by her husband! What is the value of that education? Oh you are getting money from which you can get good food, dress and rest everything except self respect. Are you waiting for someone who will come and release you from this pain? It happens only in movie.

And why the hell you expect other person to solve your problem. It's your life? Live it or leave it. But don't waste it for the sake of unworthy people.

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